Welcome to Harada Research Group in the Department of Chemical Science and Engineering at Institute of Science Tokyo.

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- Oct. 2024, Moin's latest paper titled "High-throuput screening of nano-hybrid metal-organic-frameworks for photocatalytic CO2 reduction" has been selected as a Materials Horizons HOT Paper by Royal Society of Chemistry. Congratulation, Moin!!
- Oct. 2024, Welcome to Szymon Herdzik from TU Munich to Harada Research Group as a Visiting Junior Fellow.
- Oct. 2024, Welcome to Sze Qi Lung, Conglin Wang, Juzheng Bai, and Zonglin Yang to Harada Research Group.
- April 2024, Welcome to Hideaki Yamaguchi and Yidi Wang to Harada Research Group
- Oct. 2023, Welcome to Jun Hang Chia to Harada Research Group.
- April 2023, Welcome to Moin Khwaja, Nozomi Shibasaki, Hirokazu Naito, and Tomoya Koyanagi to Harada Research Group.
- Oct. 2022, Our molten oxides-based technology was featured as a cutting-edge approach to open next generation of carbon capture in Advanced Science News.
- Sep. 2022, Welcome to Shiyi Zang and Seyon Park to Harada Research Group.
- August 2022, "Mantel Capture Inc. ", a new startup venture company, was launched for the developments
and commercialization of our molten oxides-based technology as the first
high temperature liquid phase carbon capture process. (Press release)
- May 2022, Welcome to David Unnervik from Swizerland to Harada Research Group !
- April 2022, Welcome toTakumu Yasuda, Toshiki Yasutake, Ryoya Fukusawa, Hiroki Yamaguchi to Harada Research Group!
- January 2022, Welcome to Tatsuya Fujita as a new member to Harada reserach group.
- October 2021, Welcome to Keigo Roji to Harada research group.
- September 2021, Welcome to Yuma Nagao to Harada research group.
- September 2021, Research activity at Harada research group was featured in "Environmental Report 2021" of Tokyo Tech.
- April 2021, Welcome to Yusuke Furuta, Takashi Ito, and Tadashi Kawamura to Harada research group.
- April 2020. Welcome toRyota Utsumi, who is joing us as the first B4 student to Harada research group.
- March 2020. Harada research group was launched at Tokyo Institute of Technology.